
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
March 6-8
(text club members can shop starting at 10am daily!)
Kay Rodgers Park Expo

Welcome to our page about shopping the Growing Kids Sale Consignor Presale! We are so thankful to our consignors who make the sale successful, and it is our pleasure to offer early shopping privileges to show our gratitude! If you read the information below, you will learn everything you need to know about shopping early!
Click HERE to view the Presale Schedule
We started this last fall, and it was such an incredible way of our consignors coming together to serve children in our area, so we have decided to continue it this year! Our Consignor Presale hours remain unchanged (Wed 4-9pm), but any consignor who wears their armband and brings a package of diapers to donate will receive early entry at 3pm Wednesday! This spring our diaper recipients will be 1st Choice Pregnancy Medical Center & The Call Foster Organization.
SHOPPER POLICY (who may shop with a consignor):
Only your spouse, your children under 18 AND/or your children’s grandparents may attend with you using one armband. No sisters, aunts, friends, etc. NO EXCEPTIONS!
LOST ARMBAND POLICY (what happens if you lose your armband pass):
All consignors must present their armband to enter. In the event an armband is lost, the consignor may obtain a replacement pass by paying a $25 fee.
- Shopping Bags: We provide large bags for you to carry your purchases while you shop, but you may wish to bring your own tote or laundry basket in case we run out, or so that we can load your purchases in your bag to take home.
- Stroller Pass: If you bring a stroller or other item similar to items we sell, you will receive a GKS Stroller Pass as you enter so that we know it belongs to you.
- Payments Accepted:We encourage you to bring cash to shop, but we can also accept credit cards for a 2% fee if you prefer. No checks.
- Line to Enter: For the GKS Team Night & Presale, many consignors and teammates choose to arrive before we open and form a line to be one of the first few to get in the door (very similar to Black Friday at Best Buy! haha). Being a part of this line is entirely up to you!
- Bring Measurements: We do not have dressing rooms available, so it may be helpful to you to bring your child's measurements (such as waist measurement, pant length, bottom of foot, etc), along with a measuring tape.
- Buying a Large Item: Each of our large items (such as strollers, pack-n-plays, exer-saucers, furniture, swings, etc) will have a "Large Item Claim Ticket" connected to it. To buy one of those items, simply follow the instructions on the ticket. This will allow you to buy the item without carrying it while you shop, and you'll not need to move it until you're ready to load it in your vehicle. We always have at least one young man on duty to help you load the item if you need assistance. If the item will not fit in the vehicle you brought, please let us know so that we can instruct you on how to mark the item and come back for it later.
- Floor Layout: Please be aware that you will find larger merchandise, like strollers, pack-n-plays, exer-saucers, car seats, outdoor play equipment and more, in break-out rooms located on the east side of the building.
- Inspect Your Purchases: We work hard to make sure that only quality items make it to the sales floor. Unfortunately, sometimes an item will get through inspection that should not have been accepted. All sales are final, and since these are gently-used items, please thoroughly check each clothing item for blemishes before you purchase. If you find blemished items, we would appreciate you handing them to a GKS staff or teammate to be returned to the consignor. We also have a Toy Inspection Station located in the toy room, where the stationed GKS teammate can help you test an electronic item or open a DVD before purchasing.
- Carry-out Help: We have young men on hand to assist you with loading your purchases in your vehicle. If this is something that would help you, please let your cashier know!
- GKS T-shirts: Our collectible Growing Kids T-Shirts are available when our teammates and consignors shop (while supplies last). They are FREE to those who spend $200 or more, or can be purchased for $10 each. Each sale season features a new t-shirt color!
- Will you help? Team Night & the Consignor Presale are some of our busiest shopping hours. Though we have teammates trying to keep the sales floor straightened and picked up during those times, with the number of shoppers, it can quickly get out-of-hand. Please assist us by using our center "sorting aisle" to sort through your finds, and returning un-wanted items to their appropriate rack or table. Thank you!!
